End to end testing with BugBug.io @ BusinessPress team

Bug bug is visual end to end testing platform that helps us to test all the features
End to end testing with BugBug.io @ BusinessPress team article image

Ease of use

Ease of use is one of the primary factors for us when choosing to include new tools into our workflow. BugBug allows to setup your first test in less than 5 minutes and provides flexibility and advanced dynamic features like other advanced End-to-End testing frameworks. 

Sane Pricing

Pricing is very simple and even in our pre-launch phase, we don't have a big budget, but BugBug allows us to achieve all the necessary features with FREE plan. Unlimited local tests, teamates, scenarios and components, nothing is restricted and gives full capabilities.

Paid features

Paid features are the ones that actually should be charged for. Cloud tests. We hate, when companies and tools limit features that do not include additional overhead like adding additional user? Extra user is just 1 line in the database, you shouldn't pay 100$/month for being able to share and adopt the tool across the team. 

More, coming soon.



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